Otidea onotica - Hare´s Ear Otidea onotica - Hare´s Ear Grifola frondosa - Hen of the Woods Grifola frondosa - Hen of the Woods Fomes fomentarius - Hoof Fungus or Tinder Bracket Craterellus cornucopioides - Horn of Plenty or Trompette des Morts Auricularia auricular-judae -Jelly Ear Auricularia auricular-judae - Jelly Ear Auricularia auricular-judae - Jelly Ear Suillus grevillei - Larch Bolete Lepiota hystrix - Lepiota sp. Mycena rosea - Lilac Bonnet Trametes gobbosa - Lumpy Bracket with massive algae and moos growth Boletus luridus - Lurid Bolete Boletus luridus - Lurid Bolete Coprinus picaceus - Magpie Inkcap Coprinus picaceus - Magpie Inkcap Mycena galopus - Milking Bonnet Mycena galopus - Milking Bonnet Mycena seynii Mycena seynii Daedelea quercina - Oak Mazegill Daedelea quercina - Oak Mazegill Strobilomyces strobilaceus - Old Man of the Woods ◄ 1 2 3 4 ... 6 ►